My Story of Gaining Weight

Saurav Poudel
6 min readMar 14, 2024

Or How I discovered the Truth about Food and My Body

Photo by Andres Ayrton

Throughout my life, I was labeled as thin, with the thin tag often coming with “Babu, you need to look healthy.” However, I was mostly fine with my weight, as I was living carefree, meaning I could munch on whatever came my way, or drink beer without worrying about my belly. But importantly, it also meant one more thing: I was totally oblivious about the entire world of fitness and healthy food.

Then, boom! August 2015 hit, and everything changed!

After surviving four years of hostel food, I finally saw the light when it came to home-cooked meals. So, I started picking up some better habits, like not wasting food (I was notorious for that) and finishing whatever Mom dished out. And of course, I’d top it off with a beer in the evenings, keeping that hostel vibe alive. A month went by, and bam! I finally noticed the scales moving in the right direction, with my “wow, some weight!” moment. Except, the gains just kept coming.

I vividly remember trying on my convocation outfit, bought just a couple of months earlier. Obviously, it didn’t fit anymore. In less than three months, I went from 62 kg to a hefty 75 kg. Come October, during my convocation in India, I finally heard the elusive compliment: “You look healthy!” (Still not sure why people use “healthy” in this context!)

